Starting to Learn Java

Hello folks! and today I will talk about programming again! Yesterday I was in the blight of winning in Dark Souls, so that’s why I had to post that post yesterday.

Today I will talk about Java. Sure, I think everyone know about Java a lot of universities use Java for their programming course. But I just starting to learn it know, in the past I am more of a web developer guy.

So several days a go there are those “post your jobs and language here” kind of post so I commented on someone whom is a Java developer. In the past I tried to create a software but it did not end well, and so is when I try to create Android apps. So I contacted him and ask him suggestion for good books for Java learners. So without further ado, here are the lists of the books.

image His message is “Start here”. This book is definitely the basic of Java programming. He also said since I already know how to code, I can just search reference books to starting off. But he still suggests a beginner books since it is well and cautiously written.

image image I also said to him that my intentions for learning java is to create a native desktop app and android app. So these two is the book for native desktop app.

image And the last one is this book is for the android. He said Big Nerd Ranch is the best, so that’s why he recommended it.

Update (2018-10-11): For JRE, IntelliJ IDEA already have one included. So, you only need to install JDK. I found a good tutorial to install OpenJDK 11.

Okay folks, that’s it. I hope you enjoy this post.

Happy programming!