Snap Suck and There Is Nothing You Can Do About It


I’ve been installing Inkscape, Gimp, and Krita using Snap until today. Snap is something like package manager that create it’s own environment so your installment can’t messed up your OS. This is good but only on it’s surface.

Because Snap create it’s own environment, it doesn’t use the default but the config in the Snap folder instead. I’ve been searching how to change Inkscape interface for hours and fiddling with the config but I got no result, nada, zero.

Then I removed Snap then install it via PPA and it works! And it has sane defaults on top of it all.

Snap is terrible. Package creator has to spend their time to recompile their app for Snap. And sometimes there is something wrong in Snap since the creator prioritize PPA first. I had a chat with Krita creator several days ago regarding Xorg always crashes when I use Krita, he said that the Snap package is bad, he didn’t have time to maintain it thus he recommend me to use the official AppImage.

As we can see from the problem above, Snap create environment for itself could backfire (but probably it caused because I don’t understand about it, though) and also some developer didn’t maintain it, usually they prioritize PPA first (Krita prioritize AppImage first), never Snap come first.

And that’s about this post today, I hope you will forgive me for my rant today haha. See you on the next post!