Simple Python Server

Today we will learn how to create a simple HTTP server with Python. Please note that we will use Python 3 on this tutorial.

”$ “ indicate that I wrote the command on my terminal. If I wrote “$ python”, just write “python” on your terminal.

Open your terminal and cd to the directory you want.

$ cd /home/website/project1
$ python -m http.server 8080


  • -m means you want to use a function from a module. We use it on this command because we want to use HTTP server from built-in http.server module.
  • 8080 is the port. It means we can access the server by typing adress 8080. You can use any number you want, like 9999 for example.
  • On Linux if the command not working, you can add sudo at the beginning of the command. $ sudo python -m http.server 8080. But this is not advisable as it open up vulnerabilities.
  • You can’t use your terminal while the server is running. But if you want to, you can run the server on the background by adding & at the end of the command, $ python -m http.server 8080 &.
  • If you use python 2 instead of 3, replace http.server with simpleHTTPServer.

Then voila! the server is working!

To access the server, go to your browser then type or localhost:8080

You can exit the server simply by closing the terminal or by pressing ctrl+c. If you ran the program on the background use
$ kill -9 <process number>.