Safe Exam Browser and Linux


Nowadays schools use computer based exam. The one used by my school is Safe Exam Browser (SEB). There is a slight problem with it, actually. It only support Windows and OSX.

As a Linux user, of course this is a big news for me, how am I supposed to do the exam when the exam software itself doesn’t exists for my OS. I’ve been playing at IT guys room to somehow make the exam software installed on my Laptop. But it’s futile, they ended up to tell me to borrow my friend’s laptop or install Windows.

I don’t want to risk my data by installing Windows, so I try my other laptop that has Windows XP. But SEB can’t run in Windows XP because it needs some Directx or Dotnet something. So my only option is to use a newer version of Windows but at the same time didn’t fucked up my Laptop.

For this task, I choose VirtualBox. My Windows installment run smoothly but SEB can’t be used in it because it detects that I am in Virtual environment. But turned out SEB has a configuration application, so I fired that up, goes to Security tab then check Allow SEB to run in virtual environment. Then go to the general tab then hit Apply the config and start and it works!

Finally 3 years fighting with SEB solved with this configuration. Previously I use School’s computer to take the exam, but now I can just use my own Laptop to do it.

I hope by changing SEB config and use SEB in virtual environment didn’t messed up my score.

And that’s my story, I hope you guys didn’t have any trouble with your school. Until next time!