Remove Condensation in Phone Camera
My AC is broken, sometimes it drips water. Today it drips all the way from night until morning. I didn’t realized it, but my phone is on the floor the whole time. I immediately save my phone and fortunately the water didn’t get in :)
Later on the day, I realized there is condensation inside the camera lens, I don’t know how to fix this so I asked my friend how.
In the end, I get several results. All of them involve heat. The first one is put your phone inside your jacket/sweater. Just put it then let it sit for approx. 30 minutes. I use my bag because I didn’t have my jacket with me. My bag is dry and warm because my room isn’t cold (hence the broken AC). After putting it for several hours. The condensation gone :)
The second one is laptop heat. Laptop throwing away the heat from side fans but you can use the heat to dry your phone camera :) If the heat is too strong because you play games or movie, move your phone a little further.
For phone placement. If you want to do the jacket/sweater one, place the phone so the camera facing top. If you want to do the laptop, place the phone so the camera facing the fans.
That’s a pretty short post but I hope you get something from it. See you in the next post!