Batch Downloading with Seq & Wget

Usually I do web scraping in Python, using BeautifulSoup and Requests I am able to download ‘em all. But today I wanted to scrape something simple, just images with simple naming pattern.


As we can see, this naming difference is the number only, 00 to 25. At first glance, I think I can use seq to easily create the number but it doesn’t that simple because the number start with 0. 01, 02, etc.

The solution is simple, really. All you need to do is add -w to seq so seq will match all of the digit’s width.

The final command is

for i in `seq -w 00 25`; do wget$i.png; done
  1. This will create a for loop to count from 00 to 25
  2. We supply these numbers to wget by inserting $i at the link
  3. You use backward tick at seq, not forward tick
  4. Don’t surround the link with tick or double tick because wget will treat $i literally. We wouldn’t want that.

And that’s it :) A really simple image scraper. Thanks for reading!