What I'm Doing Now
I’m in Bandung, Indonesia, trying to have a productive organized life while studying CS at university. This is what I spend my time doing:
- Being a good friend, and son
- Studying computer science at university
- Writing tech-related blog
- Learning Python
- Learning C++
- Learning Web Development
- Event Organizer at Nihon no Matsuri
- Comic book artist at Balon Kata
- Creating art videos on Youtube
- Illustrator at Deviantart, and Pixiv
- Learning Japanese
These are my main priorities right now.
I am open to new opportunities. However, I will stick to my priorities 90% of the time. As a result, I will say no to the majority of requests that come my way now.
If my activities or priorities happen to change, I’ll update this page to reflect those changes. Last update was December 19, 2018.